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Tag: Sales

Who else wants to become better at negotiating?

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Learn the secrets of negotiating deals. In this article you can find 4 tips on how to improve your negotiation skills. Go for it!…

Achieving the perfect phone technique

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successful phonecall

Would you like to make an impression on the phone? We have gathered tips on how to improve your phone technique. Learn how to work your voice!…

Tips for a successful phone call: the opening line

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successful phonecall

No matter whether you are calling someone for private or business purposes it is always helpful to know how to start a conversation on the phone. This is why we’ve collected a few facts and phrases that can help you start a call effectively. Take a look!…

Key negotiation tactics that work

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No matter if you are “just” negotiating a rise or if negotiations are part of your daily business, there are facts and tools you need to know. On our blog you can find 5 effective negotiation tactics! Make your negotiation work in your favour!…

Successful negotiations: helpful tips

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Negotiations happen all the time – in private and in your work life. We can show you how to reach a successful agreement. Interested? Then take a look!…

3 free sales eBooks and 9 ways to close the sale

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closing the sale

You want to close the next sale? There are 9 sales techniques waiting to be read on our blog. The next sale is yours!…

Are you an amiable, expressive or analytic buyer?

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Do you sometimes wonder how a salesperson managed to convince you of buying a product you weren’t sure about before? The answer is easy: salespeople know how to place potential costumers into categories. On our blog you can take a look at what kind of buyer you are….

How to overcome objections in sales

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No one likes to deal with objections. It would be much easier if the customer would buy from you the first time that you attempt a sale. But that’s not how it works in the sales world! This is why you need to become an expert at handling objections. On our blog you can find some appetizers….