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Tag: Sales

The changing face of sales

Posted in Articles1 Comment

The history of sales over the last several decades has changed dramatically, especially since the advent of the internet and web-based advertising. Customers have changed as well. Today, we as customers expect immediate, convenient, individualized service. You can see what else has changed by reading our blog. …

AIDA – An unbeatable sales classic

Posted in Articles

Whether in advertising, marketing or sales, the AIDA model is an oldie but a goodie. It is the basis of every successful ad or sales closure. On our blog you can take a closer look at this approved marketing model from a sales perspective….

A salesperson’s basic hardware

Posted in Articles

Being a good salesperson doesn’t take a day. Certain sales skills have to be studied and acquired over time. Do you want to take a look at the general skills that anyone who wants to be a better salesperson should have?…