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How Business Benefits by Eliminating Organisational Conflicts

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How does your organisation channel conflict to a positive conclusion?
How does your organisation channel conflict to a positive conclusion?

Organisational behaviour that displays as conflict within your establishment may bring dissatisfaction to both employees and customers. How you observe conflict between individuals, or among employees and the board of directors, reflects upon the way you seek to resolve issues. How can you help reduce conflict in your workplace while balancing the need for people to speak out and feel they are a genuine part of your decision making process? 


How others see conflict

Individuals are going to disagree and have opposite points of view. Married (and unmarried) couples argue, but that doesn’t mean they fall out for longer than an hour. For some cultures, shouting and flaying of arms can be viewed as perfectly normal while others will perceive this as a dramatic breakdown of communication.

Conflicts between management and workers can often grumble in the background, but when the disagreements are not dealt with, a series of minor problems become extremely dangerous for the future of the organisation.

The level of conflict may vary from your competition because your groups or individuals are protecting their own targets, values and perceptions.

A business that encourages open and boisterous discussion may differ considerably from a rival that prefers a polite and written procedure.


How to resolve conflict in your organisation

Conflict is not necessarily dysfunctional or harmful to an organisation. Behavioural scientists regard a moderate level of conflict as healthy for the business.

Management and workers need to understand how conflict is to be presented, challenged and effective.

Which method works best?

  • Approach conflict; justification and rationalisation helps an organisation choose one decision over another
  • Avoidance conflict; discussion through time, energy and other resources can resolve the conflict
  • Total avoidance conflict; involves ignoring all of the poor suggestions and searching for a new resolution

Conflicts can be substantially reduced by identifying:

  • Clearly defined roles that are unambiguous
  • Showing clear organisational positions within a business or charity
  • Holding a clear and definitive view of how and when discipline is used


Does conflict boost or damage communication?

Everyone can work together with far less conflict when communication is used efficiently and effectively. When goals are realistic and within an employee’s reach, conflict is less likely to occur.

Seminars, training programs and regular discussions keep everyone involved in the communication necessities, reducing differences of opinion.

Open, frank and impartial discussions allow individuals to air their view, rather than suffering the indignity of suppression.

Problem-solving reduces the majority of unnecessary conflicts and where management use compromising and mediator roles, communication is clearer to all involved.


We can show you how to resolve conflict

You cannot be expected to be an expert in every area of your organisation, which is why we offer an almost limitless collection of eBooks that together, you and your employees, can examine, so that everyone benefits over the short and longer term. By reducing your levels of dangerous conflict within your teams, you can boost morale and job satisfaction – which keeps your ahead of your opposition.

How will your organisation channel conflict to a positive conclusion?

More information you can find in Manmohan Joshi’s eBook Organisational Behaviour.


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