10 pieces of advice from graduates

What advice would graduates give themselves if they had to start university all over again? There are a few things some of us wish they had known before starting their studies. My friend Jen for example almost set the house on fire in our first week of uni when she tried to microwave a tin of beans. Or our friend Ben who didn’t buy any books until one week before the exam when he realised that all the books he needed were already checked out at the library.
These are things, I wish someone had told me before I started university. Each one of them would have made my student life much easier!
1. Check your starter packet
When you enrol for your course at university you will be provided with some kind of starter packet. It contains useful information on your course and the university in general, so make sure you read it!
2. Go to Fresher’s Week Events
Fresher’s week, which takes place at the first week of the semester every year, offers a great chance to meet new people. In this week many events will take place, so make sure to check out at least a few, you might meet other students with similar interests and learn more about upcoming events at the university.
3. Ask as many questions as possible
You are at university to learn new things, which means you are allowed to ask as many questions as possible. After all you are new, so you can’t possible know everything. Keep in mind: There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.
4. Stay open-minded to new things
At your new university, you might meet people from other parts of your country but also many international students from all over the world. Take the opportunity to befriend people from other cultures, it is a great way to share knowledge. Don’t be afraid of language barriers, be assured, you will always find a way to communicate!
5. Don’t get overwhelmed
Living away from home for the first time can be scary at first. But don’t be afraid, things will fall into place soon and you will make new friends and build new social networks. Don’t forget that you are not the only new student, everyone else is new too.
6. Check out your neighbourhood
Being away from home and settling in a new area can be really exciting. Take a walk around your new neighbourhood and find out where the nearest grocery store is and how to get to your classes.
7. Don’t be late for class
Especially in the beginning when you don’t know your way around in the university building, make sure to take enough time to find your classes before they start. This way you will also be able to choose a good seat.
8. Helpful friends
It is normal to feel a bit lost when you are a new student. But don’t worry, every university has got support teams such as the Student Union or Student Buddies who can help you to answer questions or solve any issues you might face when starting university.
9. Be sociable
The earlier you jump into student life the sooner you will start to overcome any fears you might have and enjoy it. The key is to get involved into any clubs or societies that might interest you. That way you will meet like-minded people and maybe even make new friends.
10. Go with the flow
It’s good to make plans but remember that you don’t always have to follow them through. You were planning to study every afternoon but your new flatmate asks you to check out the high street. It’s ok to go along and have fun, as long as you still leave plenty of time to prepare for exams.