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Esther Stanhope
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Número de títulos: 41
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Esther Stanhope is a sought after keynote speaker, known as “The Impact Guru ’, to her corporate clients. An experienced TEDx speaker, award-winning author and personal impact expert, her background’s in broadcasting. She’s interviewed and worked with Hollywood stars (Madonna, George Clooney) and other ‘big’ personalities (three British Prime Ministers) and knows exactly how to get the best performance out of talent.

She uses her 28 years of expertise working with talent (10 years at the BBC) to help global organisations (Deloitte, Barclays, Allen & Overy, Allianz, the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge & Harvard USA) to communicate better in business, win pitches and increase their presence & impact.

She has several successful eBooks with publisher Bookboon and hosts regular “Virtual Classrooms”. She also has a Podcasts series, and appears regularly in the press, TV and radio. Check her out at www.estherstanhope.com

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