Carole Spiers
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 8
  • Kontakt forfatteren:

Carole’s charismatic style and ability to engage emotionally with audiences has made her a sought-after business speaker working with equal success in the contrasting cultures of the UK, the Middle East and internationally. She delivers keynote presentations and Masterclasses at either conferences or seminars and to audiences both large and small.

Carole demonstrates why the physical and mental wellbeing of an organisation’s workforce is the key to a healthy workplace culture and her professional insight and practical advice gains the attention of her audience when she delivers proven strategies that can be implemented immediately.

Being an industry expert on stress, health and wellbeing, Carole also offer personal coaching to senior executives and the C-suite team who often need to perform under pressure. She offers practical solutions that enable businesses to improve employee communication, to retain their top talent and importantly, to reinforce their competitive advantage. 

As CEO of an international Stress and Wellbeing consultancy, Carole is author of Show Stress Who’s Boss! and Tolley’s Managing Stress in the Workplace, commissioned by Lexis-Nexis. As a popular BBC guest-broadcaster, she is the media’s first choice for comment on matters of work-related stress. 

Carole’s focus is on developing a healthy workplace culture through the successful management of stress and organisational change – all of which is underpinned by a compelling philosophy reinforced by her own experience as an Expert Witness before the UK Courts. 

Carole is a Fellow and Past President of the Professional Speaking Association, London. She is currently Chair of International Stress Management Association (ISMA)UK, (a charity and professional association) and founder of Stress Awareness Week.

Carole is UK-based, but is regularly contracted to speak in the Middle East and Europe.

Her Keynote Topics include:

• Wellbeing at the Heart of Corporate Success
• The 4 Pillars of Resilient Leadership
• Show Stress Who’s Boss!
• Changing Times Demand Positive Leadership!
• Forging Relationships by Active Listening

A biography of Carole can be found on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Spiers

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