Assemble You Limited
- Land: United Kingdom
- Number of Titles: 254
Assemble You is an audio first provider. Our podcast-style courses are designed to be listened to on the go.
Each Assemble You course includes a 10-minute evidence-based, engaging audio track recorded with a professional voice actor.
We teach you to improve your Power Skills. Things like Leadership, Productivity, Wellbeing, Project Management, Communication, Intrapreneurship, and Strategy.
Visa alla böcker av Assemble You Limited
Evita el agotamiento
Die Macht des Wortes "Nein"
Als Projektmanager*in Teamarbeit fördern
Was ist Change-Management?
Agile - Lo básico
Innova y sé un intraemprendedor
Bleiben Sie voller Energie
Einführung in agile Methoden
Scrum - Die Grundlagen
So managen Sie Ihre Zeit
Angst am Arbeitsplatz bewältigen
Mit Autorität sprechen
Mach das Beste aus Deiner To-do-Liste
Inspirierende Führung
Die Bedeutung von Gewohnheiten
Ihre Körpersprache ist Ihr größter Verbündeter
PMP-Zertifizierung - Die Grundlagen
Burnout vermeiden
Gestiona la procrastinación y dirige tu día
Sácale partido a tu lista de tareas pendientes
Optimiza la productividad de tus reuniones
An Introduction to Agile
Avoid Bias and Discrimination when using AI
Banter and Bullying
Globalisation and Sustainability
The Impact of Habits
How to Build Confidence and Become More Assertive
How to Build Rapport
Women in Leadership Networking and Connecting
Resilience in Customer Service
Employee Resource Groups
Concise Writing
Why Diverse Businesses are Winning
How to be Liked
Moving from Manager to Leader
Initiative: The Biggest Win
Innovate and be an Intrapreneur
The Power of Saying No
Finding Your Direction
Asking for Help
Presentation Skills: Keeping Your Audience Engaged
High Performance Team Culture
How to Successfully Motivate Your Team
When to Protect Your Team
Introduction to Social Engineering
Cultural Awareness
Introduction to Malware
Future Human: Collaboration
The Power of Curiosity
Führung: So verhandeln Sie richtig
Sei innovativ und werde Intrapreneur
Vom Manager*in zur Führungskraft
Einführung in das Stakeholder-Management
Ambitioniertes Denken
Wie man wirklich zuhört
Wie Sie mit Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz umgehen
Meistere Prokrastination und beherrsche Deinen Tag
Optimisez la productivité de vos réunions
Introduction à la gestion de projet
¿Qué es la gestión del cambio?
El arte de la resiliencia
Síndrome del Impostor
Cómo ser un mejor oyente
Menschen verstehen und unterstützen
Einführung in das Projektmanagement
Führungsqualitäten: Wie Networking gelingt
Optimiere Deine Meeting-Produktivität
Das Hochstapler-Syndrom
Ihr erstes Projekt managen
Stakeholder-Management und Kommunikation
Wie Sie Zeit für sich selbst schaffen
Einfluss gewinnen, um Wirkung zu erzielen
Die Kunst der Resilienz
Innover et devenez un Intrapreneur
Qu’est-ce que la gestion du changement ?
Boostez votre To Do liste
Agile - Les principes de base
Le syndrome de l’imposteur
Comment vraiment écouter
Negotiation in Customer Service
Introduction to Ageism: Older People
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
The Essentials of Face-to-Face Customer Service
Building Your Confidence in Sales
What is Intrapreneurship?
Optimize Your Meeting Productivity
Journalling: Your Secret to Personal Development
Introduction to Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Inspirational Leadership
How to Get The Best Out of Introverts & Extroverts
Why Workplace Sustainability Matters
How to Build Your Personal Brand
Mastering the Sales Mindset
Understanding Corporate Sustainability
Introduction to Stakeholder Management
Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Essential Email Etiquette
Moving Towards Energy Sufficiency
Agile Leadership
Sleep: Your Productivity Superpower
Women in Leadership Motivation and Purpose
Storytelling in Business
Critical Thinking Explained
Women in Leadership
Future Human: Innovation
Essential Writing Skills for Business
An Introduction to Project Management
Starting the Day the Right Way
Influence and Impact
Building an Innovation Business Case
Defusing an Argument
Inclusive Leadership
The Ethics of AI
Ambitious Mindset
Pareto Principle
Understanding Pronouns – DEI
Performance Management
Make Remote Working Work For You
How to Be Proactive
Leading With Empathy
Presentation Skills: Post-Presentation Tips
How to Navigate Grief in the Workplace
Presentation Skills: Slide Deck and Tech
Dealing with Self-Doubt in Customer Service
Introduction to Sexual Harassment
Be More Confident
Systems for Working Faster
Avoiding Burnout
Harnessing Ambition
How to Develop a High Performing Team Culture
Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
Effective Hybrid Working: Working From Home
Business Case for Sustainability
Motivating Your team
Maintaining your belief
Speaking with Authority
The Importance of Prioritising Employee Well-Being
Encouraging Teamwork as a Project Manager
Confidence at Work
Introduction to Sexism in the Workplace
Using AI to Improve Your Communication
How to Build a Story
Stop Stagnating and Make the Change
Managing Conflict in Your Team
What is Change Management?
Enhance Your Productivity with AI
Environmental Social and Governance
Exercise Your Way to Greater Productivity
Micro Stories and Presentations
Scrum: The Basics
How to be an Effective Interviewer
Make Time for You
Introduction to Social Sustainability
Reinvigorating Disengaged Staff
How to Really Listen
Future Human: Critical Thinking
Barriers to Sustainable Living
How to Guide Your Team Through Change
How to Deal With Change to Your Job
Spotting Talent in Your Team
How to Motivate Your Customer Service Team
Done is Better than Perfect
Using AI to Improve Your Well-Being
Transformational Leadership
The Power of No
The Power of Positive Thinking
A Brief History of AI
Identifying and Helping Others Who Need It
How to Build Sales Confidence
A Guide to Business Professionalism
Exit Interviews
Running Your First Project
Conversations About Sustainability
Office Etiquette Explained
Leadership: How to Negotiate
Communication and Collaboration
Manage Procrastination, and Boss Your Day
Introduction to Disability in the Workplace
Women in Leadership Building Confidence
Sustainability in Everyday Life
Making Body Language Your Greatest Ally
Getting Creative With AI
Common Types of Attack
Cultural Nuances
Future Human: Flexibility
Large Language Models Explained
Unconscious and Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
An Introduction to Menopause
Overview of PRINCE2
Diet and Gut Health for Productivity
The Meaning of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Plain English
Future Human: Curiosity
Introduction to Pronoun Awareness
Using and Managing Passwords
The Art of Resilience
Introduction to Microaggressions: LGBTQ+
Leadership - Protecting Your Team
Introduction to PMI/PMP
Introduction to LGBTQ+ Awareness: Gender
Body Language in Customer Service
Impostor Syndrome
Systems for Working Faster
Coaching and Mentoring
Troubleshooting Issues on Your Project
Problem Solving: The Basics
Women in Leadership
Future Human: Resilience
Handling Customer Objections
AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
How to be a Better Listener
How to Deal With Difficult Customers
Future Human: Time Management
How to Manage Your Personal Finances
Introduction to LGBTQ+ Awareness
How to Build Trust at Work
Introduction to Anti-Racism in the Workplace
Courageous Leadership
Effective Sustainability Communications
Effective Stakeholder Management and Communication
Future Human: Creativity
AI Challenges We Should All Know About
Future Human: Empathy
Importance of Purpose
The Value of Timeboxing
Answering the Most Common Questions About AI
Everything You Need to Know About AI Data
Managing Work Anxiety
Stakeholder Management for Innovation Projects
Meditation Basics
How To Connect With Your Audience
How to Initiate Change
Leadership: How to Network
Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals
Keeping Your Energy High
Future Human: Initiative and Resourcefulness
An Introduction to Psychological Safety
How to Manage Your Time
Power Up Your To-Do List
L’art de la résilience
Gérez la procrastination
Comment éviter le burn-out
Agile – Nozioni di base
Favorire il Teamwork: Ruolo di Project Manager
Identificare e aiutare chi ne ha bisogno
Introduzione alla sicurezza psicologica
Come affrontare i cambiamenti nel tuo lavoro
Gestione e comunicazione con stakeholder
Introduzione al Project Management
Avere una mentalità ambiziosa
Come gestire il tuo tempo
Come essere un ascoltatore migliore
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