Categories Pricing Corporate
Jamie Benizri
  • Land: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontakta författaren:

An attorney by trade and an entrepreneur at heart, Jamie Benizri challenges industry standards. He founded Legal Logik to demystify legal services and empower people with legal tools. As a litigator, Jamie wins cases and made precedent at Quebec’s highest court, and his “roll up his sleeves” attitude with entrepreneurs earned him a reputation as a creative legal thinker. His cases often make local and international press. Jamie is sought after as a speaker in Canada and abroad about his journey and in 2017 was crowned with the award for young entrepreneur of year by the CCSL-MR Chamber of Commerce. When not engaged with clients and business, Jamie is serving his community, training for marathons and spending time with his wife and two young children.

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