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Mona Bharadwaj
  • Land: India
  • Aantal titels: 1

Mona is a seasoned leader with over two decades of industry experience in Media, Luxury lifestyle , Gourmet retail and e-commerce . Her focus has been in building human capital and creating values through inclusive leadership transformation.

Mona is a highly respected speaker, leadership & a career transition coach. She mentors young aspirants entering workforce as they build unique vision to succeed in workplace.. She is a much sought-after advisor by various organisations for her people-management skills during stages of their growth & transformation. She also advises on the capacity and capability building of gig workforce..

A gold medalist in sociology, she has won numerous awards including the Femina Women Leadership Award in Year 2018, and the Times Ascent World HRD Congress HR Super Achiever Award in 2018.

Mona is a yoga enthusiast. loves baking & painting.

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