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Elizabeth Harrin
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 2
  • Contatta l'autore:

Elizabeth Harrin, MA, FAPM, MBCS is a project management mentor, trainer and author. She runs Otobos Consultants Ltd, a project communications consultancy specializing in copywriting and consulting for a wide number of international project-based organizations. She has a raft of qualifications that probably don’t mean much to people outside of project management and she is a Fellow of the Association for Project Management. She holds degrees from the University of York and Roehampton University.

Elizabeth has over fifteen years’ experience in projects. Elizabeth has led a variety of IT and projects including ERP and communications developments. She is also experienced in managing process improvement, and spent eight years working in financial services (including two based in Paris, France). 

Based now in the UK, Elizabeth is particularly interested in stakeholder engagement, team communications and making the whole collaboration thing easier.

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