Chris Clegg
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 3

Chris Clegg studied accountancy and taxation after gaining MAs at Cambridge (in Natural Science) and Brunel (in Social Science). From 1978 to 1982 he was Finance Director of a rapidly growing import company, eventually successfully sold, and then founded a series of very successful Financial Services businesses, all sold. For eighteen years to 2006 he specialized in raising both secured and risk finance for early stage businesses, and helped create the national Business Angel network Beer & Partners by founding the Thames Valley region, but left after the death of David Beer.

While with Beer & Partners, he realised that there is a real dearth of knowledge about Business Angel investing, and determined to find out as much as possible by reading everything he could find - which, sadly, was not much beyond academic papers on its macroeconomic impact! Neither potential investors, nor entrepreneurs seeking funds, nor even the vast majority of professionals to whom they turned for advice, had either knowledge or the ready means to acquire it.

He founded Equity Entrepreneur in 2005 to help address this lack of knowledge and understanding in and about the Business Angel market, and specifically both to help Investors invest more successfully and to better prepare entrepreneurs and their businesses for investment.

Equity Entrepreneur ran highly acclaimed practical workshops throughout the UK which explored the pitfalls and secrets of Business Angel investing and raising funds from Business Angels. The workshops enabled novice investors and entrepreneurs to gain vicarious experience from professionals and battle-hardened investors. They also encouraged everyone seriously interested in Business Angel funding to meet, learn and discuss their needs and concerns in a non-threatening environment, resulting in several introductions actually being effected in the process!

He also founded microFunding®, a web-based three way introduction platform to help make commercial success for inventors from their creativity, for managers from their business skills, and to provide investors with a volume of good quality deals.

Although now retired, he had been very active in the Business Angel community for many years, and also made several (modest!) angel investments, some failed and two or three doing fine.

He contributed a chapter on Raising Finance to the Book of Practical Inventing.

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