Livre électronique professionnel

Ultimate Business Plan Template

What Is a Business Plan and How to Make a Business Plan

(51 Classements )
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Langue :  English
This book, with its companion books Raising Business Finance for Entrepreneurs Parts 1 and 2, takes the reader through the process of planning a great business.
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Running a business is rarely easy, but the rewards of running a really good business can be exceptional. As the adage goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. Putting the effort into making a superb Plan is absolutely worth the effort. Unfortunately there is no short cut to writing a really good business plan, but if you do so the good news is that you will end up running a really good business; and - in the author's experience - really good businesses always get investment on advantageous terms. This book helps the reader understand the process of making a really good business plan, with sections on Planning, Rewards, Risks, Targets, Content, Presentation - and what to do once it is written. 

  1. Summary of the Approach
  2. Risk
  3. Understanding Other People’s Motivation
  4. Reward
  5. Preparing the Business Case
  6. Writing a Business Plan
  7. The Pitch
  8. The Meeting
Very informative.
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A propos de l'auteur

Chris Clegg