Susan Quinn, Associate Professor, Bissett School of Business
  • Maa: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 5

Susan Quinn has taught and researched at the post-secondary level and consulted to businesses and not-for-profits for over 30 years. Areas of interest and expertise include leadership, strategy, ethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity, organizational behaviour and human resource practices.

In her teaching, Susan’s reputation is that she is able to help translate academic theories and illustrate their applicability (or not) in the business world. She is also a firm believer that “good” management and human resource principles are straightforward although not in practice as much as they should be. She hopes that her books take the mystery out of these practices and help readers make sense of the manager/leader job.

She most recently retired as an Associate Professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and continues her interest in the business and not-for-profit world.

Selaa kaikkia kirjoja kriteerillä Susan Quinn, Associate Professor, Bissett School of Business
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