Frankie Kemp
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 3
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

When it comes to being in the spotlight, Frankie’s done the lot: performing, voiceovers, writing, editing… all over the world.

Add some NLP and psychology training into the mix, and she knows all the techniques to help you speak so others want to listen when you’re communicating both remotely and in person.

Use your real voice to become whoever you want – whether it’s a better speaker, manager or problem solver.

Frankie’s spent her life coaching people get their point across confidently and become better managers and communicators. Everything she’s ever done has focused on clearer communication.

Apart from performing and teaching drama, Frankie is an award winning storyteller and internationally published writer who established the highly respected theatre school, Arena Drama Workshops, managing stage parents – (*cue: head in hand*) – which really puts communication skills to the test.  She even directed the presenters of Turkey’s Eurovision Song Contest. Working with very diva-like behaviour in TV is sound practice for the office.

Rolling all the techniques from theatre, improv and writing into one, Frankie combines them with psychology to create fun and interactive courses that empowers teams to communicate effectively, up, down and around their organisations.

She’s worked with teams and individuals from companies such as BBC, Wella, Viacom, The British Medical Association, Addaction, Lloyds of London, The Institute of Mechanical Engineering and City University.

Her no-nonsense approach to better communication produces real business results too. Frankie’s helped tech companies raise profits by 30% a year and reduced absenteeism by 53% for Shell Shipping.

Coaching clients from charities to multi-nationals has seen them win multi-million pound deals through their pitching.

It’s why organisations of all sizes keep coming back to Frankie for training.

Want to join them?

Contact her here to book a free 30-minute call. No pressure – just a chat about how Frankie can help you engage your people (and take the pressure off HR at the same time).

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