Ralph McKechnie Brown
  • Maa: New Zealand
  • Number of Titles: 7
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Ralph has a background in psychology, television and business.

He has spoken to conferences and led workshops throughout New Zealand and regularly in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore.

His special interests are business writing and positive psychology – the science of achieving more at work and in life.

His series ‘What successful people really do’  and ‘The village that could’, ’70 Ways to Thrive at Work’ and ‘Business Writing Made Easy’ are in Bookboon’s Premium collection.

Ralph has recorded an audiobook edition of ‘The Village that Could’ for Bookboon’s audiobook collection (called Tale of Resilience in Challenging Times).

He has written six other books, academic papers on psychology and more than a hundred blogs and articles. One of his reviews of the research on resilience has been workshopped at the London School of Economics. It is one of two of his articles now published in international research journals.

Ralph founded the corporate training company Skillset New Zealand more than 30 years ago and remains a director. 

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