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John Kyriazoglou
  • Land: Canada
  • Número de títulos: 103
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John Kyriazoglou obtained a B.A. (Honours) from the University of Toronto, Canada, also earning a Scholastic award for Academic Excellence in Computer Science. John has worked in Canada, England, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Greece, Saudi Arabia and other countries for over 49 years, as a Senior IT manager, Managing Director, IT auditor and consultant, in a variety of clients and projects, in both the private and the public sectors. He has published several books and articles in professional publications, has served in numerous scientific committees and is a member of several professional and cultural associations.

He is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Internal Controls Magazine (U.S.A.) and consulting on Data Privacy and Security Issues (GDPR, e-Privacy, etc.) to a large number of private and public clients.

To support your organization in any issues related to John's work, books and experience you may contact him, at jkyriazoglou@hotmail.com

Hier sind weitere Empfehlungen von John Kyriazoglou
Herramientas de apoyo para el manejo del estrés
Security and Data Privacy Audit Questionnaires
IT-Business Alignment: Part II
Achieving Better Implementation of Controls
Stress Management Support Tools
Managing a Virtual Company
How to Improve your Workplace Wellness: Volume II
IT Audit Execution Tools - Book 3
The CEO’s Guide To GDPR Compliance
Data Protection Audit Process
DP Audit Support Tools 1
How to Improve Your Production: Part I
Effective Personal Data Practices
Improving Performance with Balanced Scorecard
Data Protection (GDPR) Guide
Case Studies in Internal Controls
DP and P Strategies, Policies and Plans
Preparing Digital Management Actions
IT Management Controls
SME GDPR Daily Operations Manual
DP Audit Support Tools 2
Internal Controls for Virtual Companies Book 2
DP Audit Questionnaires
Policies of Duty of Care
Virtual Workplace HR Policies Book 4
GDPR Gap Analysis by Process
Personal Data Support Tools
SME Auditing Toolkit - Book 3
Governance Aspects of Duty of Care
Tools to Improve Your Personal Happiness
Managing Personal Data Breaches
Managing your SME more effectively Part I
IT Governance Controls - Book 2
SME Internal Controls Guide
Live More Happily: The Ancient Greek Way
Managing Data Subject Rights
Corporate Wellness
Workplace Wellness: Relationships and Resilience
SME GDPR Support Tools
GDPR and Travel Industry
Implementing Personal Digital Management Actions
Working from Home Auditing
Workplace Wellness: Governance and Spirituality
Remote Workers Handbook
Implementing ‘Duty of Care’ Duties: Part 2
Assessing Information Risks
SME Plans, Policies and Procedures: Book 2
LGPD Compliance Support Tools
Operations Aspects of Duty of Care
IT Audit Guides
Tools Supporting Better Implementation of Controls
Understanding Digital Age Effects
DP Audit Report
IT Audit Support Tools 1 - Book 4
The ‘Duty of Care’ Management Approach: Part 1
Principles and Methods of Duty of Care
Implementing Corporate Digital Management Actions
Corporate Practices to Establish Working Remotely
Seven Milestones For a Better Life
Working from Home Toolkit
Controles operativos del centro de datos
Uso de Controles de TI en auditorías
Controles del software de sistemas
Estrés: Aprendiendo de los griegos antiguos
Controles de la organización de TI
Stress: Learning from the Ancient Greeks
The CEO’s Guide to LGPD Compliance
Data Protection Specialized Controls
IT Audit Support Tools 2 - Book 5
GDPR Gap Assessment Tools
Managing your SME more effectively Part II
Assessing Privacy Risks
Virtual Workplace Support Tools Book 3
How to Improve your Workplace Wellness: Volume III
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Corporate Happiness Improvement Tools
Digital Age Management Support Tools
Plans of Duty of Care
GDPR Gap Analysis by Article
HR Management Controls of Duty of Care
How to Improve Your Production: Part II
How to improve your company’s performance
IT-Business Alignment: Part I
How to Reduce Occupational Stress
Data Protection and Privacy Management System
Approaching Workplace Wellness
Controles de seguridad de datos de GDPR
Controles de Arquitectura Empresarial
Controles de la administración de TI
Controles de aplicaciones informáticas
Data Governance Controls
Controles estratégicos de la TI
Controles de desarrollo de sistemas
Controles De La Seguridad De La Ti
Estratégias e planos de privacidade de dados
Avaliação de impacto de proteção de dados
O Guia do CEO para a conformidade LGPD
Ferramentas de suporte à conformidade com a LGPD
Sistema de privacidade de dados
Sistema de gestão privacidade e proteção de dados
Controles especializados de proteção de dados
Questionários de auditoria de privacidade de dados
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