Mounir A. Ajam
  • Profesionální titul: Founder & CEO
  • Instituce: Uruk Project Management
  • Země: United States
  • Number of Titles: 25
  • Kontaktovat autora:

Mounir A. Ajam is the founder and CEO of Uruk Project Management. Uruk PM is an organization that helps businesses build and sustain their project management functions, elevate their performance, and become centers of excellence. Currently, Uruk PM is leading the development of a pioneering and innovative cloud-based online solution, the Uruk Platform. For more information about Uruk PM, please visit  

Mounir has over 35 years of experience working on projects worth billions of US dollars. His global expertise is acquired from working in the United States, United Kingdom, Southeast Asia, West Asia, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). He has worked on industrial and capital projects, including Megaprojects with global leaders such as Exxon Chemical, BASF, and Saudi Aramco, and delivered services to companies including SABIC, Ericson, Etihad Airways, Emirates Global Aluminum, Masdar, and many ministries and government agencies.


Mounir has published numerous e-books with CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) has also published two books for Mounir: Project Management beyond Waterfall and Agile and Leading Megaprojects, a Tailored Approach.

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