Does it matter what colour you wear to your interview? Indeed it does! On our blog you can read why you should wear grey or blue instead of red or orange….
Tag: career
Wearing the right colour to your interview: Choose blue avoid red

What is your self-discipline level?
What is your self-discipline level? What do you need self-discipline for and how can you achieve it? Find the answers to those questions on our blog. …
Be sure to apply for a job that suits you
Why should you read a job ad carefully and critically? Because this reduces the likelihood that you will waste time and effort applying for jobs which are unsuitable to you. You want a job that suits you, right?! On our blog you can learn how to get the most out of reading a job ad effectively. …
How to answer interview questions
Most interviewers like to hit you with the question: “What is your greatest strength? That is why identifying your strengths before a job interview can be far more demanding, yet rewarding, than may initially seem to be the case. On our blog you can learn how to highlight past successes. Good luck!…
Getting dressed for an interview: Basic tips
In a simple choice between job applicants who are similar in other respects, appearance and dress can tip the decision in your favor. Take a look at our tips on how to dress for an interview, because, as we all know, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression….
What do you need to control your career?
Each one of us has the ability to control the path that our careers take. It requires that we become truly self-aware so that we can identify what our own interests and passions, our strengths and weaknesses, our communication skills, and our job-search skills are. Have you got what it takes to actively manage your career?…