Margaret Mackay
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 12
  • Kontakta författaren:

Margaret Mackay is a business academic and recognised expert in talent management and leadership development. She has published many articles in prestigious journals and won the Best Paper award in the Journal of Education and Work. Margaret is an Associate Professor at a leading university business school in Madrid.  

Margaret has worked as an HRM specialist with the US Air Force, the HSBC Bank and the British Council. She is particularly proud of the results of her work on career paths with the US Defence Agency which has transformed the retention of key staff. Her diverse business experience in the USA, the Middle East and Europe enriches her teaching and consultancy work. 

An honours graduate of Durham University, the author is a Master of Science in Human Resource Management, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Margaret is passionate about improving the quality of people management in the workplace.

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