Geoffrey Sampson
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 2
  • Kontakta författaren:

Geoffrey Sampson is a British university teacher. After studying Oriental languages and computing at the University of Cambridge and at Yale University in the USA, he spent the earlier part of his career teaching linguistics, and the later part teaching informatics, specializing in e-business and legal aspects of information technology; he directed the Sussex Centre for Advanced Software Applications, and led research projects sponsored by the UK Ministry of Defence and other agencies. Sampson has held visiting posts at British Telecom Research Labs, at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (now Qinetiq), and at the universities of Geneva, Cape Town, and the Witwatersrand.  After retiring from his chair at Sussex University, Sampson spent some years as a research fellow at the University of South Africa.

Sampson has published many books and academic papers. Most are about information technology or linguistics, but for instance he has also published a book of translations of 3000-year-old Chinese love poetry.

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