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Amelia Reigstad
  • Land: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontakta författaren:

Dr. Amelia Reigstad, Ph.D. is a workplace communication consultant, passionate change agent, corporate trainer, coach and author with two decades of industry experience. She has spoken on a global scale at many professional events and conferences and has taught a variety of PR and communications courses across the U.S., Canada, Europe and the U.K. Dr. Reigstad is listed in the Vistage Worldwide and YPO Speaker Directory and is a consultant with FranklinCovey, the world’s most trusted provider of leadership solutions. With a passion for helping others, she consults and educates business professionals on the importance of understanding effective communication in the workplace, and how this leads to employee engagement, organizational improvements and increase of productivity. As the founder of The Women Empowerment Series, she inspires and encourages women to use their voice to initiate change.

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