Categories Pricing Corporate
Leigh Cowan
  • Land: Australia
  • Number of Titles: 4
  • Kontakta författaren:

After investing 13 years learning the craft of marketing at UNSW, Leigh Made a mark in FMCG marketing, including being featured on current affairs TV, metro newspapers & business publications.

In his 20’s he reached Senior Account Director in major advertising, direct marketing and FMCG sales promotions agencies, moving to marketing management where he succeeded in categories as diverse as FMCG, I.T. & Government.

In his 30’s, Leigh was lured to the UK where he delivered explosive growth & profits gain for a FMCG company, increasing its market share 6-fold in under 18 months. While in UK, he found time to complete a Graduate Diploma in Strategic Planning at London’s City University.

Returning to Australia, Leigh broke new records in FMCG product launch, before being lured to consult with Australia largest management consultancy. Here he become known as “the 9 out of 10 difficulty guy” securing numerous testimonials from the multi-national corporations he helped. He created marketing plans that improved the paths of billion-dollar businesses in big pharma, transport, hardware, banking, professional services, energy, automotive and industrial chemicals.

After a career of private company directorships, Leigh also sat on the boards of listed public companies and advised many others.

Leigh also found time to teach (part-time) both graduates (MBA) and undergraduates (Marketing Planning & Strategy) between 2003 until 2009 at the University of Technology in Sydney.

These days Leigh is a popular keynote speaker in marketing management, strategic leadership and Corporate & Marketing Governance. He also conducts strategy training workshops for senior executives of large companies in, pricing, product development, employee engagement and branding. He consults through research, planning & strategy advisors, Leadership Empowerment Pty Ltd, based in Sydney.

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