Categories Corporate

What You Don't Say But Give Away

Language :  English
In this Virtual Classroom, you’ll discover how to use your voice more expressively, speak with greater authority and engage your audiences.
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In this Virtual Classroom, you’ll discover how to use your voice more expressively, speak with greater authority and engage your audiences. 

In this Virtual Classroom, you’ll discover: 

1. how to be able to use your voice more expressively;

2. speak with greater authority through body language and tone of voice;

3. engage both technical and non-technical audiences whether virtually, in-person or in hybrid presentations. 

This is the stuff we learn - if at all - through trial and error. Yet acquiring these skills shouldn't be down to luck: 

Our non-verbals are absolutely KEY to how we build trust with others.

With some small adjustments to non-verbals, I've had clients able to: 

  • motivate staff in difficult times;
  • win roles after chains of rejections; and
  • project confidence in winning pitches. 

Want some of that?