
Public Speaking for Leaders

Language :  English
Leaders are constantly being called upon to speak in public. This book gives you the skills to optimally use your voice, body and words to give memorable and impactful speeches.
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Leaders are constantly being called upon to speak in public. The speech could be to inform, to motivate, to honor someone, to address concerns, and a myriad of other reasons. As important and ubiquitous as giving speeches is in the daily life of leaders and managers, there is little if any formal training on how to become an influential, impactful and legendary speaker. This book is the ideal starting point to learn discrete skills for creating speeches, getting stage fright under control, and learning to use your body, voice and words for the greatest effect.

About the Author

Dr. Jerry Evanski is an author of several books, with translations in Mandarin and Korean. He created and taught the Brain-Based Learning certification program for Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. USA. He has taught at the university level for 30+ years, and is a sought-after speaker on many topics, including group facilitation skills, creativity and organizational development as it pertains to the change process. He is the co-owner and main copywriter of the creative agency 212 Creative, LLC in the US, and proud father of two beautiful, smart and kind daughters.

  • Overview
  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  1. Getting Started
    1. The First Rule of Speeches
    2. Elevator Speech
    3. A Word about Humor
    4. Practice
    5. The End and the Beginning
    6. Chapter Summary
  2. Stage Fright 
    1. The Roommate
    2. Get Comfortable
    3. Wonder Woman
    4. I’m Not Nervous, I’m Excited
    5. Diver’s Reflex
    6. Chapter Summary
  3. Speech Templates
    1. Past, Present and Future
    2. First, Next, Last
    3. This, And Because Of This, That
    4. Chapter Summary
  4. Visuals Skills
    1. Everyone Can See It, Everywhere In The Room
    2. Hey, Look Over There
    3. Altogether Now
    4. Writing and Waiting and Standing and Pointing
    5. Chapter Summary
  5. Your Body
    1. Smile
    2. Eye Contact
    3. Enthusiasm
    4. Presentation Packages
    5. Gestures
    6. I Felt Your Presence
    7. Chapter Summary
  6. Your Voice
    1. Prosody
    2. Voice Pitch
    3. Pauses
    4. Voice Rate
    5. Voice Volume
    6. Chapter Summary
  7. Your Words 
    1. Focus on the Positive
    2. Go Slo’ Mo
    3. Ummm Got Your Tongue?
    4. Questions
    5. Reply on the Fly
    6. Chapter Summary
  • Endnotes

Learn to craft clear messages for quick and impactful speeches. Master voice techniques for powerful and persuasive public speaking. Adopt positive language to improve audience reception and response. Employ structured approaches to manage fears and improve speaking confidence.