Peter Gaunt
  • Страна: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 3
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The author, Peter Gaunt is currently Relationship Manager for Greater Manchester’s Business Growth Hub, moving into business support, training and consultancy after a very successful career in engineering and service sales. 

Peter has been a coach, consultant and trainer for 15 years and has worked with over 5,000 individuals to improve their sales, revenues and profits. Peter is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Chartered Marketer and has personally generated £50m of sales (today’s figures) and brought in multi-million pound breakthrough contracts in 19 years heading sales departments in SMEs and multi-nationals. 

Specialities include: sales management, business development, business growth, digital & traditional marketing, strategy development, leadership & management, training, graduate & HE entrepreneurship, international trade. 

Sectors Peter has worked in over his career include: business services, chemical, construction, creative industries, education, energy, engineering, manufacturing, petrochemical, professional services, science & technology, transport & distribution, utilities.

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