Categories Corporate
Lucy Kovalova-Woods
  • Страна: United States
  • Number of Titles: 6
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Lucy Kovalova-Woods: strategist, business development professional, management consultant, mentor for solo-preneurs and individuals who are pursuing change. Co-founder of Woods Kovalova Group, Change Ambassador.

Throughout her career, Lucy has been fortunate to work within different business fields, in different roles. She has always been curious to try new things and add something more to the business. She is an innovator and hard worker.

All the steps, all the roads lead to the goal. It is crucial to understand this goal from the beginning, which is almost impossible when you are 16 or 18 years old, dreaming of what you will be when you grow up. Life changes everything, but once you have a vision and a goal, or even some mirage of this vision or goal, the key is to work hard and take the career steps towards them.

Lucy is happy to share her experience through books and assist other people in their career and business journeys. She will be glad to hear your thoughts on the subject after you finish reading them.

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