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Kathleen Donohoe
  • Страна: Australia
  • Number of Titles: 1
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As an experienced leader in Education, Kathleen is passionate about education, preparing students for an ever-changing future through the effective use of physical, virtual and social learning environments, innovative approaches to education, lifelong learning and digital literacy.

Her work has focussed on the learning experience at the heart of decision making. She is an Honorary Fellow on The Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change (ILETC) project, affiliated with the Learning Environments and Applied Research Network (LEaRN) at The University of Melbourne. Projects have ranged from managing large scale infrastructure, educational reform, innovation and curriculum development for international bodies, to developing or aligning curriculum for national accreditation, utilising learning design approaches to ensure seamless learning environments and effective learning modes.

She has extensive project management experience, managing digital literacy, physical and virtual infrastructure projects >$10 million, excelling at problem identification and resolution to meet end user requirements through practical and viable solutions.

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