Categories Corporate
Jill Maidment
  • Страна: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 36
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Jill Maidment is the Founder and CEO of Natural Talent Bristol She is an award-winning and highly-sought after international Executive Business Coach and Mentor, also delivering Career, Transition, and Outplacement Coaching, as well as Resilience Coaching, and Psychometric Assessments. For over 21 years Jill has been working confidentially and in partnership with leaders and their teams in global brands and large public sector organisations. She affects real and lasting behavioural change by providing executives with practical tools and techniques to cope with the key issues and challenges of modern-day leadership, including managing change, remote working, and stress. Jill has published many audio books with Bookboon on key leadership topics, as well as eBooks on hybrid leadership, soft skills, and resilience.

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