Farida Kachapova
  • Должность / учёная степень: Dr.
  • Организация: Auckland University of Technology
  • Страна: New Zealand
  • Number of Titles: 1
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Farida Kachapova graduated from the Moscow State University, Russia, with a Master Degree in mathematics with distinction and completed a Ph.D. in mathematical logic in the same university in 1987. She also has a Graduate Diploma in Teaching from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Farida has industry experience from Russia and New Zealand and decades of experience in tertiary education. She was a mathematics lecturer in the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia, for 9 years. She moved to New Zealand in 1999. Since 2001 Farida is a senior lecturer in the Auckland University of Technology where she teaches courses in several areas of mathematics.

Farida is the author of over 80 research publications in the areas of mathematical logic, statistical mechanics, financial mathematics, and mathematics education.

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