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Electronic Measurements: Exercises and Assignments

Language :  English
This book gives questions and two practical projects supporting the textbook “Electronic Measurements: Measurement Theory, Circuits and Sensors”.
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To support the textbook “Electronic Measurements: Measurement Theory, Circuits and Sensors”, this book contains insightful questions and answers. The questions are organised in the same chapters as the accompanying textbook. In addition, two projects are offered where the reader can make sensors with simple office materials and a multimeter. By executing these projects, the basic concepts from the measurement theory will be encountered.

About the author

Geert Langereis is an experienced researcher and research initiator in the field of sensor technology, smart-algorithms and biomedical measurement application development. He studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Twente (1994) and obtained a PhD on sensor systems for monitoring washing processes from the same university (1999). After that, he worked for ten years in the industrial research laboratories of Philips and NXP. In 2009 he went back to academic research and education at the University of Eindhoven (2009-2013) and the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven (2014 until now).

  1. Measurement Theory
  2. Measurement Errors
  3. Electric Currents and Potentials
  4. Network theory
  5. Basic Sensor Theory
  6. Sensor-Actuator Systems
  7. Signal Conditioning and Sensor Read-out
  8. ADC and DAC
  9. Bus Interfaces
  10. Assignment 1: The position sensor
  11. Assignment: Strain gauge transducer
  12. Answers

Geert Langereis