Christopher J. Skousen
- Должность / учёная степень: Professor and Head of the School of Accountancy
- Организация: Utah State University
- Страна: United States
- Number of Titles: 41
- Связаться с автором:
Chris Skousen, Ph.D. is a Professor and Head of the School of Accountancy at Utah State University. He obtained his Ph.D. at Oklahoma State University and earned MBA and BA degrees from Utah State University. Dr. Skousen gained public accounting auditing experience with KPMG in their Portland, Oregon office, and as an intern in their in Düsseldorf, Germany office, and at Squire & Co. Dr. Skousen has taught accounting at Utah State University, The University of Texas at Arlington, Oklahoma State University, and Brigham Young University-Idaho. He has published in Accounting Horizons, Behavior Research in Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, Accounting and the Public Interest, and other journals.
Искать все книги Christopher J. Skousen
Using Accounting Information Exercises II
Long-Term Assets Exercises III
Budgeting and Decision Making Exercises IV
Current Assets Exercises III
Long-Term Assets
Current Assets Exercises II
Budgeting and Decision Making Exercises III
Long-Term Assets Exercises II
Using Accounting Information
Process and Activity-Based Costing
Income Measurement & The Reporting Cycle
Tools for Enterprise Performance Evaluation
Cost Analysis
Current Assets
Accounting Cycle Exercises IV
Accounting Cycle Exercises I
Managerial and Cost Accounting Exercises II
Managerial and Cost Accounting Exercises III
Budgeting and Decision Making Exercises II
Using Accounting Information Exercises I
Liabilities and Equity Exercises III
Analytics for Managerial Decision Making
Budgeting and Decision Making
Liabilities and Equity Exercises II
The Accounting Cycle
Current Assets Exercises IV
Current Assets Exercises I
Budgeting and Decision Making Exercises I
Liabilities and Equity
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Basics of Accounting & Information Processing
Budgeting: Planning for Success
Accounting Cycle Exercises II
Accounting Cycle Exercises III
Managerial and Cost Accounting Exercises IV
Liabilities and Equity Exercises I
Managerial and Cost Accounting
Reporting Techniques
Long-Term Assets Exercises I
Job Costing
Managerial and Cost Accounting Exercises I
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