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Dr. Abdullah Sultan Al-Rashdi
  • Страна: Oman
  • Number of Titles: 1
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Abdullah Al-Rashdi is a highly experienced IT professional with over 28 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He has held a variety of technical and management positions at Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), including Telecom Supervisor, Network Operation Engineer, IT Project Engineer, Project Manager, Senior Project Manager, Enterprise Architect, Information Technology Chief Architect, Digitalisation Chief Architect, and Head of Digital Strategy & Integration. He is currently responsible for leading PDO's digital transformation journey.
Al-Rashdi holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunication from Sultan Qaboos University, a Master of Science degree in High Frequency Engineering from the University of Leeds, and a Doctor of Business Studies degree from the University of Liverpool. He is a frequent speaker at industry events and has published several articles on digital transformation. He is also a member of several universities advisory boards.
Al-Rashdi is a strong advocate for the use of technology to improve business performance and create a more sustainable future. He is a visionary leader who is driving PDO's digital transformation journey and helping to create a more sustainable future for the company and the oil and gas industry.

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