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William John Teahan
  • País: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 4

Dr Teahan is a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at Bangor University. His research focusses on Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents and Information Extraction. His research has specifically focused on applying text compression-based language models to Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Porcessing and Information Extraction. Before coming to Bangor, he was a research fellow with the Information Retrieval Group under Prof. David Harper at The Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland from 1999-2000; an invited researcher in the Information Theory Dept. at Lund University in Sweden in 1999; and a Research Assistant in the Machine Learning and Digital Libraries Labs at the University of Waikato in New Zealand in 1998. At Waikato, he completed his Ph.D. in 1998 on applying text compression models to the problem of modelling English text.

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