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Tony de Bree
  • País: Netherlands
  • Number of Titles: 12
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This eBook is written by Dr. Tony de Bree EEP MBA. Tony (1957) He is a senior strategy & change consultant, a high-energy-speaker and lecturer, a successful online entrepreneur and a business coach, career coach & mentor of C-Level executives, students, startups, scaleups & SMEs.

He is a bestselling author of 'how to books' in Dutch and eBooks in English on digital transformation & digital strategy management; change management, business model & revenue model innovation; ecosystem development; Internet marketing, making money online, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance & selecting the best ideas, business plans, startups & scaleups to invest in. 

In 2001, he earmarked, ASML, IKEA, PayPal and, a large Dutch ‘’ type of large online platform as promising companies. He has been successfully selecting startups and scaleups ever since.

He worked 26 years in Financial Services at Amro Bank and ABN Amro Bank with corporate & private clients, institutional & private investors, startups, scaleups & SMEs worldwide. In ICT & business strategy development; turnaround management; international business development; corporate venturing; M&A; outsourcing, strategic partnering, negotiating & contracting and as global change manager, program manager regulatory change after 9/11, splitting up ABN Amro and as programme manager eLearning, online platforms, eMarketplaces, eBusiness, eCommerce, eTrust & eKYC.

He has a European Executive MBA, a PhD in business administration and knowledge management on ‘Transformation of Financial Services Companies', a Fintech-certificate with a KYC/RegTech Capstone Project @M.I.T. in the United States & a certificate 'ICT Member of Supervisory Boards'.

In 2001, he started to make money online as a ‘side hustle’ (see here) as his ‘plan b’ next to his day job at ABN Amro Bank. With online consulting, training and coaching on demand and with digital products like eBooks, checklists, canvasses and planners and with short videos. Helping more than 12.000+ independent business owners worldwide to make money online.

He left the traditional business world of global Financial Services in 2011 & now leads a happy personal and professional life with his new wife. Helping customers to make a living with their talents and with the people they know and trust in their network.

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