Pål Skalle
  • País: Norway
  • Number of Titles: 4

Pål has worked as a professor with students for more than 40 years. His favorite activity has been to be their guide, supervisor and co-author.  

He is especially eager to develop new, useful knowledge, and to make it known for a broader audience. For this purpose, he has written and co-authored more than 100 technical papers, and has acted as editor of the SPE Journal of Drilling & Completion. In 2008 he achieved the prestigious SPE award “A Peer Apart” for evaluating more than 100 SPE peer review journal papers.  

One issue Pål is proud of is the authoring of a guide of how to build up a master thesis in a logical and focused manner. This guide he wrote for master students in Petroleum engineering at University of Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique. 

It should also be mentioned that Pål is eager to bring good and even crazy ideas out into the real world. For this purpose, he was the co-founder of four different privately-owned production companies. 

His topics of interest includes: 

·         Drilling and cement slurry technology

·         Wellbore safety and stability

·         Down hole operational errors and failures 

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