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Penelope Barr
  • País: Australia
  • Number of Titles: 1

Penelope Barr's life goal is encapsulated by 'lollipops and skipping' - the alignment of the right product and purposeful momentum-generating outcomes. Penelope is as a global executive and everyday experimenter in scaleups and enterprises, driven by continuous improvement. Over the past 25+ years, Penelope has worked at the forefront of most digital innovations and has been instrumental in multiple global and Australian at-scale new ways of working transformations in financial services, legal and not-for-profit. Penelope’s expertise has been recognised by several global awards for innovation, agile leadership, and product development. A connector of people, ideas, opportunity and things, she turns good ideas into great products to solve modern business problems and loves creating structure from ambiguity. Penelope is happiest when spending time with family and friends, especially her lovely husband, kind, clever and funny daughter and gorgeous dog.

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