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Alina Braverman
  • País: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1
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Alina Braverman's career is anything but typical. She started her career in finance and grew into technology roles as the internet and digital technologies started being used for business. As the startup scene took hold in NYC, Alina held numerous positions with emerging startups, most famously which ended up selling it’s features to Facebook and LinkedIn. After the collapse of startup 1.0, Silicon Alley, Alina still wanted to stay in digital and explore how it could connect people and businesses. She then went on to grow with the digital space and work with a variety of technology, agency and consulting companies, trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together and more importantly, what marketing, digital and social means for brands and businesses. Alina is problem-solving for the next digital communication challenges, privacy, advertising tipping point, environmental, and cultural challenges to name a few.

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