Michaela Partridge
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Aantal titels: 1

The author, Michaela Partridge, has spent more than 20 years in the Human Resources profession many of them in the corporate world responsible for all areas of recruitment and selection, redundancy programmes and career transition. Since setting up her own business Michaela facilitated the creation of a London based recruitment agency; has worked on numerous recruitment campaigns assessing potential candidates to join private and public sector organisations and has worked with a wide range of candidates seeking career change either through choice or redundancy.

Michaela is also an experienced, qualified career coach and mentor assisting individuals to gain clarity, motivation and confidence in all areas of their job search. She is the co-founder of Work’s A Dream which was set-up to assist individuals either at the start of their career or seasoned professionals with their career change challenges. Her passion is to share her knowledge so that everyone can learn, grow and develop to be the best they can be.

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