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Julie Randall
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Aantal titels: 1

Julie Randall, female leadership & empowerment coach, Trainer, Speaker & Founder of Enlivened, Cambridgeshire, UK.

I am passionate about helping people to achieve their personal and professional goals, empowering them to live the life they want to live.
Too many people are struggling to keep all the plates of their lives ‘spinning, living behind a façade of pretence that all is well, feeling unfulfilled, disillusioned, burnt out, depressed, anxious and controlled by the people or circumstances around them.

I’m a working Mum who has had a successful corporate career in sales, finance, managing people and running my own business too. During my working life I experienced many challenges including being in debt, a single parent, raising a child with special needs, bullying in the workplace, divorce, grief, working in a patriarchal environment, depression, burn out and domestic abuse.

During the last 8 years I have transformed my career and my life. As a certified coach, I now use all my first-hand experiences and knowledge to help others to overcome their challenges, empowered to achieve their goals and live the best life possible. As well as raising awareness of domestic abuse in relationships, business, and the wider community.

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