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Adrian Spurrell
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Aantal titels: 1

Adrian is a former banker who came to his senses (money is after all just another belief system) and now spends his time engaging with leaders and organisations to help them grow and develop. His clients have included, amongst others, BP, GSK, Atkins plc, HM Revenue and Customs, The Department for Work and Pensions, NHS England and Action on Hearing Loss.

His development experience is extensive and demonstrates his versatility. It includes: working on a one-to-one basis with senior teams/boards; top team coaching and development; facilitating leadership development workshops for senior managers from international matrixed organisations; developing the performance management skills of line managers from both public and private organisations at all grades and from diverse countries; knowledge harvests to create web-based databases of best practice; talent development projects in central and eastern Europe; and broadly based culture change projects.

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