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Rosie Chong
  • Land: Afghanistan
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontakt forfatteren:

Rosie Chong is a social media strategist by day, and a content creator by night. She has worked in the digital marketing and advertising world for the last 4+ years, developing a passion for all things social media and content. In the last 18 months, she has been on a content creation journey fuelled by a passion to inspire others to do the same, building a combined social media following of 32,000 people. On LinkedIn, building a community of over 25,000 people, she champions authenticity in content and exemplifies how anyone can build a personal brand regardless of their industry. She is an advocate for mental health, women’s rights and bringing a voice to those that might not have been heard before.

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Har du noe du vil dele med bedrifter eller studenter i bokform? Har din erfaring gitt deg kunnskaper om personlig utvikling som du ønsker å dele med verden? Eller har du spesialisert deg i et akademisk felt som du mener trenger litt mer forklaring? Bookboons eBøker kjennetegnes av god kvalitet, konsist og lettfattelig innhold. Snakk med vårt redaksjonale team og bli publisert.