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Phillip Macko
  • Land: United States
  • Number of Titles: 2

Phillip Macko is a career coach and sales optimization consultant, with a career spanning four decades, five industries and encompassing work in more than one dozen countries worldwide. He’s coached hundreds of clients, presented to audiences around the world, and is the author of Think Your Age, Don’t Act It, Make Others Greater and The Conduit, which reached the #3 spot on Amazon for its genre soon after its publication.

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Har du noe du vil dele med bedrifter eller studenter i bokform? Har din erfaring gitt deg kunnskaper om personlig utvikling som du ønsker å dele med verden? Eller har du spesialisert deg i et akademisk felt som du mener trenger litt mer forklaring? Bookboons eBøker kjennetegnes av god kvalitet, konsist og lettfattelig innhold. Snakk med vårt redaksjonale team og bli publisert.