Audio Series: In Focus
- Land: United Kingdom
- Number of Titles: 63
Bla igjennom alle bøkene ved Audio Series: In Focus

In Focus: Learning Culture at Disney

In Focus: The Importance of Lifelong Learning

In Focus: The Battle Against Dull Online Learning

In Focus: How to Win Arguments

In Focus: Mobilizing Innovation Through People

In Focus: The Microsoft Software & Systems Academy

In Focus: Learning Makes Us Human

In Focus: Flexibility in the 2nd Half of Life

In Focus: How Children Learn Through Play

In Focus: Power of Improvisation in Business

In Focus: The Inter-Cultural Training Partner

In Focus: Strategic Target Setting

In Focus: Recruitment for the British Army

In Focus: An Amazing Story of Resilience

In Focus: Implementing Learning Strategies

In Focus: What is Your Company Culture Achieving?

In Focus: The Future of Professional Learning

In Focus: Optimize Your Digital Learning

In Focus: Do Your Communications Spark Engagement?

In Focus: Learning in an Agile Environment

In Focus: Making Connections While Presenting

In Focus: Questions L&D Professionals Should Ask

In Focus: Persuasion is a Learnable Skill

In Focus: How Humour Enhances Business Life

In Focus: Diversity & Inclusion in a Hybrid World

In Focus: Employer Branding at Albert Heijn

In Focus: An Agile Approach to Learning Design

In Focus: Predicting the Future

In Focus: The New Normal in Learning & Development

In Focus: Personalized Learning

In Focus: What Does it Mean to be Likable?

In Focus: Building an Outstanding Workforce

In Focus: Where Leadership and Culture Meet

In Focus: What Does Your Company Brand Stand For?

In Focus: the Future of Recruitment

In Focus: User-Focused, Data Driven Learning

In Focus: The Role of People Professionals

In Focus: Corporate Learning in the Digital Age

In Focus: Delivering Innovative Learning Solutions

In Focus: Wellbeing, Inclusion, Belonging at Work

In Focus: Bringing L&D to a Reluctant Industry

In Focus: The Front Line of Learning & Development

In Focus: Does Your Learning Make an Impact?

In Focus: Fighting Disruption with Digitalisation

In Focus: Neuroscience for a Better & Happier Life

In Focus: Agile Workforce Planning

In Focus: Digital on-the-job Learning at Kearney

In Focus: The Revival of Learning Culture

In Focus: Are Leaders Ready for Life Post-COVID?

In Focus: An Interview with 'The Evil HR Lady'

In Focus: Talent and Positivity at 24 Hour Fitness

In Focus: Learning is Essential for Survival

In Focus: Technology and Our Learning Needs

In Focus: Building a Brand with Content Marketing

In Focus: How to Choose a Career That Fits You

In Focus: Can You Learn to be Good with People?

In Focus: Ensuring Diversity & Inclusion at Atos

In Focus: Can You Measure the Effect of Culture?

In Focus: Leading with Purpose

In Focus: Are You Managing Your Talent Wisely?

In Focus: Lessons from the SAP Sales Academy

In Focus: How to Go From Failure to Success

In Focus: Engaging Learners in Modern Workplaces
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