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Einav Avni
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 4
  • Kontakt forfatteren:

Einav Avni is a Confidence and Empowerment Coach working with individuals and teams on understanding their negative voice and limiting beliefs that are holding them back from having the life and career they wish for. Einav is interested in how an impatient workplace is affecting our lack of confidence and therefore, our performance as we navigate an environment that is frustrating and less than optimal. Before training as a coach Einav was a User Experience Designer, where she got to experience first-hand what happens when teams fail to invest in their people’s confidence and empowerment.

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Har du noe du vil dele med bedrifter eller studenter i bokform? Har din erfaring gitt deg kunnskaper om personlig utvikling som du ønsker å dele med verden? Eller har du spesialisert deg i et akademisk felt som du mener trenger litt mer forklaring? Bookboons eBøker kjennetegnes av god kvalitet, konsist og lettfattelig innhold. Snakk med vårt redaksjonale team og bli publisert.