Victoria Binz
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 1
  • Contatta l'autore:

Victoria Binz has over 10 years’ experience in digital marketing. Over the course of her career, she has worked as an Account Director for leading digital agencies, a Marketing Manager for small and medium businesses and a freelance consultant. This has given her an excellent overview of digital marketing in a variety of situations and industries.

The content projects Victoria has worked on include video, photography and design, blogging and guest blogging, white papers, partnerships and social media campaigns, many of which she has produced or created herself. 

It is her interest in entrepreneurship and hands-on marketing that has led Victoria to work more closely with smaller businesses, helping them put together plans that would not only increase their customer base but also improve their work processes. When working with smaller businesses, Victoria applies the principles and best practices that she learned from top agencies and clients while adapting them to the specific challenges that they face, mainly time, resources and budget constraints. 

Her practical approach to projects has contributed to her success as a digital marketer and she prefers the word ‘plan’ to ‘strategy’ because it implies taking action and getting things done.

As well as being an avid consumer of content in all shapes and forms, Victoria is also a great believer in the importance of data-led marketing, which is an area she is looking to explore in her future projects.

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