Peter Doesburg
- Paese: Netherlands
- Numero di Titoli: 82
- Contatta l'autore:
Peter started his entrepreneurial journey in the early 2000's riding the first wave of Social Media adoption. After a brief stint building Corporate Digital Infrastructure, Peter decided to focus on the human aspect as a Personal Trainer and life Coach. With the arrival of his children Peter became a stay-home-dad, which also led him to go back to his old roots and start an Online Content Creation business, making podcasts and YouTube videos as well as consulting a wide variety of businesses on how to best approach today's online media landscape.
Sfoglia i libri di Peter Doesburg

Employee Experience: My Bad Manager

Productivity Hacks: Taking Breaks

Metaverse: Sentiment Analysis

Happiness: How to Stay Balanced

Goal Setting and Purpose

Knowledge Retention within Your Organisation

Pilar 5: Crypto

Leading a Meeting

Productivity: Don't Turn Your Phone On

How Cold Showers Will Change Your Life

Home Office Balance

IT Best Practices: Using a Stream deck

Digitalisation and Kids

Pilar 1: The Metaverse

Productivity Hacks: How to Prioritise Tasks

How to Stick to a Fitness Routine

Pilar 3: NFT's

Employee Development: Employee's Perspective

Knowledge Retention with a Departing Employee

Pilar 4: DAO's

All the Good Foods

Productivity: Email Hacks

Hybrid Work: Employer Perspective

Employee Development from a Manager's Perspective

A Career Gap, Now What?

Productivity Hacks: Streamline Virtual Meetings

Pilar 2: Web 3.0

Expectation Management

Setting Goals

Digitalisation: Future

It All Starts With Fitness

Five Qualities Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Motivation and Discipline

IT Best Practices: Purchasing a New Computer

The Power of Getting up Early

AI in the Workplace

The Small Things Matter

Hybrid Work: Employee Perspective

AI vs Machine Learning

Tijd management

Kennis overdracht: Vertrekkende Werknemer

Ontwikkeltraject: Manager perspectief

Productiviteit Hack: Taak management

Deadlines Nakomen

Conflicten Oplossen

Digitale Toekomst

Je workflow verbeteren met AI

Angst voor AI

Het begint allemaal met fitness

Balans in werk en gezin

Kennisborging binnen een organisatie

Vijf eigenschappen van ondernemers

Productiviteit Hack: Streamdeck


Content creator werkwijze

Blijf leren

Word productiever dankzij AI

Duurzaamheid in Business

Werken onder druk


Hybride Werknemer


Feedback Ontvangen en Accepteren

Hoe kun je als manager aan de slag met AI?

Digitale Kinderen

De kracht van vroeg opstaan

Ontwikkeltraject: Persoonlijk perspectief

Metaverse: Mogelijkheden


Hybride Werkgever

Productiviteit Hacks


Metaverse: Risico's

AI in 2024


Interculturele competentie

Kleine pauzes voor meer productiviteit

Doelen stellen

Hoe best feedback geven?

Nieuwe Computer aanschaffen

Wat kun je als werknemer doen met AI

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