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Lawrence Price
  • Paese: United States
  • Numero di Titoli: 1
  • Contatta l'autore:

Dr. Lawrence Price is an expert in change management, organizational development, and continuous improvement. In his work, Dr. Price has responsibilities for trades leadership development, trades training, and continuous improvement. Dr. Price is a West Point graduate with a B.S. in Sociology and has an M.S. in Organizational Behavior and a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. He also has professional certifications in Project Management and Lean Six Sigma.

Dr. Price is a military veteran. He was deployed on tours in Iraq and in the Republic of Korea. These experiences strongly influence his current professional career. He is a strong proponent of servant leadership and the tangible impact that it can have on the effectiveness of organizations. He advocates a leadership methodology that encompasses character development, functional competence, and moral courage. Additionally, Dr. Price emphasizes the importance of leadership in the context of continuous improvement and organizational change management.

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