Categories Corporate
Kourosh Ghaffari
  • Istituto: Ghaffari Business Coaching & Consulting
  • Paese: Germany
  • Numero di Titoli: 25
  • Contatta l'autore:


Von Mittelstand bis Großkonzerne: Über 25 Jahre Beratungserfahrung als (Investment-) Banker und B2B-Key-Account- und Vertriebsmanager.
CEO einer mittelständischen Großhandels- und Logistikfirma.
Coach, Business Coach, Lehrbeauftragter der Fachhochschule Schmalkalden (Personalmanagement, Kommunikation).

Seit 2011 selbstständig als Unternehmer-Sparringspartner & Co-CEO auf Zeit: 




From small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations: More than 25 years of consulting experience as an (investment) banker and B2B key account and sales manager. 
CEO of a medium-sized wholesale and logistics company.
Coach, Business Coach, Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden (Human Resources Management, Communication).

Since 2011, I have been working as the sparring partner for midsize company owners in German-speaking countries as well as assisting them in solving complex problems. I am also working as an interim Co-CEO for medium-sized companies. 
Same task, different approach.

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