Karen Kirby
  • Istituto: greenshoot HR
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 4
  • Contatta l'autore:

Karen Kirby MCIPD has over 35 years’ experience of working with people as a coach, trainer and HR consultant. In that time, she has developed a variety of programmes to meet the needs of businesses, as both an employee and as a freelance consultant. She has helped businesses in a wide variety of sectors to develop more effective ways of working and in building stronger teams; sharing not only her personal experience but also the experiences of the great businesses she works with.

Her specialism is to work with micro-businesses, but her suggested techniques can be just as effective for managers in larger organisations. Her passion is to encourage all business owners and managers to see frequent performance review (or supervision, 1-2-1), alongside team communication, as vital for maintaining a motivated and loyal workforce.

Karen is based in the middle of the Midlands and has run an HR support service for over 19 years. In addition to ensuring that her clients meet legal requirements, she works with owners and managers to consider the impact of their personal style and to adopt procedures and techniques that look to maximise the potential of all of their team.

Her company is greenshoot HR. 

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