Jessica Meredith
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 5
  • Contatta l'autore:

Jess Meredith is a neurodiversity advocate, trainer and speaker and CEO of Differing Minds. She is a proud ADHDer and parent to wonderful neurodiverse children. She is on a mission to create inclusive environments for those with a neurological difference such as ADHD, autism and dyslexia, from schools to the workplace, and beyond. Jess firmly believes that to create truly inclusive societies we must all accept and embrace our neuro-diversities.

She uses her lived experience and the power of storytelling to deliver unforgettable talks. Jess is a staunch advocate for reframing the narrative around neurodiversity. She has delivered talks and spoken on panels for Accenture, The Adecco Group, Capgemini, Brighton & Hove City Council and more.

Jess' social enterprise, Differing Minds, supports organisations, education settings and other environments to be more neuro-inclusive through training, speaking, consulting and coaching. Differing Minds also delivers lessons to primary school children about neurodiversity to firstly, improve the school environment for neurodivergent children, and secondly, to create the change needed more broadly in society by educating and empowering future generations.

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